Tuesday, November 21, 2017

How Your Local Company Can Get the Best from Marketing

There are many small businesses that have a strong local following but don’t necessarily catch people out of their local area. For most of those businesses, they might be happy with the way their company is working. However, what if you want to look beyond your area and try to gain customers further afield? There are ways you can use marketing and SEO to increase your reach and start attracting more customers.

How Far Do You Want to Reach?

When you are thinking about expanding your marketing, you must think about what you are offering. Some companies can send their products anywhere in the world, while others may be more restricted. You also need to think about demand, will your product or service work in other areas or countries? Maybe you need to limit your reach to just the country you’re in? Once you have thought about this, you will then be in a better position to start expanding.

Online Marketing

One of the best things about online marketing is that you can target any audience you wish. Even if you are only looking to expand a few miles outside your geographical area, you can still use online marketing to a great effect. By adding SEO as well, you can target those areas and get your search rankings moving up the results page. For example, if you have a Mini Cooper for sale, you could use other sites to target different locations depending on where you want to reach. You can also use your website, if you have one, to put your special offers and deals on. If you are also using the right SEO, the people you want to target will find you.

local business marketing

Local Advertising

As well as going online to broaden your audience, you can also advertise in local newspapers. Try to place ads on newspapers outside of your area to see if that generates any interest. You can even try the national newspapers if you are looking to hit the whole country. With media of this type, it is important to catch the readers eye as soon as possible and tell them exactly what you are offering. That is because unlike online searches, you may just have someone skimming through the newspaper, so you want to get them visually interested in what you’re selling.

Social Media

If you use social media in the right way, it can open a whole new world of marketing. It can reach all those people who don’t read newspapers because almost everyone now has at least one social media account. You can use targeted advertising to hit those areas you are interested in, plus you can also interact with customers in real time. To get the most out of social media, you need to have an account on more than one platform.

Just because you are a local company, doesn’t mean that you cannot have a large pool of customers from further afield. If done well, it can make a real impact on your sales.

Organic Traffic

There is no question that an organic visitor to your website is the best type of traffic you can get.  When the search engines are choosing your business to be the best listing in the organic results you have a major advantage.  So, How do you become a #1 organic listing on Google?

This is the question that every local business owner wants to know and it can be a very complicated subject but, in actuality, it is a very simple concept.  Google is looking to trust you to show you to their audience.  They are firstly looking for organization and to clearly understand what is being discussed.  Secondly, the topic has to be the best content for that topic.  Thirdly, it has to be liked by other websites.

The post How Your Local Company Can Get the Best from Marketing appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

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