Tuesday, November 28, 2017

How To Use Facebook Remarketing And How It Works

Many of us have fallen for the magic of remarketing or retargeting as it is also called. You visit a site, read an article or go through the different products and services offered and next time you are on another platform, you notice an advertisement from a brand you interacted with a couple of days before.

The advertisements literally follow you around the web and when well executed you find yourself giving in and clicking on it to find out more or make the purchase.

That is how effective remarketing in general is. Of the three main platforms where you can achieve remarketing, that is, Google Display Network, Facebook and Twitter, Facebook offers the highest ROI.

With over 20 billion ad clicks a year and a monthly audience more than the population of China, it always makes sense to include Facebook remarketing in your budget.

How Facebook Remarketing Works

The process behind Facebook remarketing is quite simple but requires you to be meticulous. You have to get the Facebook pixel on your website to track the visitors who engage with your site.

The good thing about Facebook remarketing is that it does not limit you to website visitors alone. You have three audience options for your remarketing; customers list, website traffic, and app activity. Your audience in any of these three channels is then tagged by the Facebook pixel code which shows the targeted adverts whenever they log on to Facebook.

Facebook Remarketing

Depending on your budget, industry and target goals, you can work with all three options but I suggest focusing your remarketing on website traffic for starters. In this category, you also have the opportunity of customizing the audience you want to target on your remarketing campaign. This is what makes it necessary to have clear goals for your remarketing campaign.

The following are the options you have when you what to remarket to website traffic;

  1. Any visitor to your website
  2. Visitors to specific pages of your site
  3. Visitors who focus on certain pages but avoid others
  4. Former visitors who have not been to your pages for sometime
  5. A custom setting where you set the rules defining the audience to be targeted

Why You Should Focus on Facebook Remarketing

However much you optimize your site about 90% of your site visitors will leave without converting. This is such a valuable segment that you want to follow up on because of the following reasons;

  • Remarketing allows re-engaging with people who are already familiar and interested in your brand and what you are selling. These are people who may not be totally sold on your offer or are comparing other options. By retargeting your clients at places they are most likely to be, it becomes easier for you to push them further into the sales funnel.
  • Remarketing allows you to further segment your Facebook audience depending on their behaviors when they were interacting with your site. You are in a better position to tell what their preferences are and create more tailored ads that can easily convert.
  • You are dealing with a smaller audience which means you eliminate much of the guesswork and it is much easier to evaluate performance and also test what works and what doesn’t.

Facebook Marketing

Having the gist of what the process entails is one thing but executing it successfully is another. Even experienced marketers may struggle to reap the full benefits of a Facebook retargeting campaign. A single oversight or misjudgment can affect the whole campaign.

From experience, there are a number of things you should have at the core of your remarketing campaign.

Segment Your Audience

First, there is need to define and segment your target audience. You should not show the same ad to all your past website visitors. Instead, break them down into a number of segments even 10 if the traffic is large.

Segmenting your audience also ensures your advertising budget is not spread out over a large target as this reduces visibility and also increases the chances of attracting low relevance scores which reduces your profits.

Some ideas for segments could be people who already purchased from you, those who got to the pricing page, visitors on different landing pages, readers of your blog etc. Facebook provides numerous way to segment your audience to finer layers. You, however, need to be careful to avoid going for a higher granularity as it may thin out your reach.

These are different audiences with varying needs and expectations so your ads should reflect those specific expectations.

Create A Remarketing Sales Funnel

The other important aspect is to create a remarketing sales funnel. This helps you identify the stage of conversion different audiences are at and match your offers to the respective audiences.

What you offer to a cold lead should be totally different from what is offered to a previous buyer or a warm lead like someone who is considering the price of your products or services.

For example, a visitor who read an article about warm clothing can be shown an advertisement directing them to the page where you stock such while someone who already made a purchase can be directed to accessories and similar items. The individual who tuned out at the pricing can be targeted with an offer for discounts etc.

Once a person converts at one stage, they should be excluded from that ad and moved along the funnel with ads targeting the next conversion stage.

Be Strategic In Your Scheduling And Setting Up Of Time Frames For The Ads

Your remarketing campaign can easily fail its objectives if you do not carry it put in schedules and time frames that match the goals. This is because you can easily end up fatiguing your audiences or miss the chance to be aggressive when the special offer is only timed for a short time.

Work with your buying cycle and for shorter limited cycles, be aggressive without a limit on the frequency. If the cycle is longer, then have frequency caps and also work on refreshing the image and copy to maintain the appeal.

You can also use time schedules to set your advertisements to appear on certain days and hours of the day. This allows you to optimize on the times when traffic by your target audience is high and also avoid to be cost-effective.

The Audience To Start With

For most first time users of Facebook remarketing, the challenge is who to focus on during the campaign. You want not just people already familiar with your brand and products, but those who have expressed certain commitment or positive attitude towards it.

To start you off, focus on the following audiences; people who almost completed a purchase, newsletter subscribers, and free trial users, past purchasers, blog readers and visitors to specific landing pages.

Conduct An A/B Test

Finally, like everything else in digital marketing, you have to carry out A/B testing to avoid working based on assumption. Some suggestions for A/B testing include the advertisement design and copy, the ad placement, unique value offered and the call to action buttons.

The one guarantee you have with Facebook remarketing is every cent spent will have a return and allow you to understand your target market better.


The post How To Use Facebook Remarketing And How It Works appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

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