Thursday, November 30, 2017

Why Improving Your Website Will Improve Your Sales

The way that we do business is changing. Yes, customers are still driven by a desire to test and touch products, but the internet is now shaping the way transactions are completed. Consider your company website as an extension of your marketing toolkit. Your website is where customers will go to if they want to find out about a particular product, such as a new car or television. They may also want to do some research into the history of your firm too, not to mention price check your key competitors before making a purchase. A website that’s dated, poorly branded and difficult to navigate will have a detrimental effect on your sales.

Why Improving Your Website Will Improve Your Sales

Luckily, there is a range of quick fixes you can use to improve your company website. First and foremost, your messaging may need a quick rewrite. Consider what your firm’s key messages are. Are your company’s vision and mission statement easy to find? Does your website reflect this? If the answer is no, then your customers won’t trust in what your business offers. Getting those key messages right is essential if you want to ensure users stay on your site. Remember, that your website acts as an online window into what your business stands for. So, it’s crucial that your key messaging is visible and legible as soon as a user lands on your site.  Having a better overall website structure allows the search engines to understand the purpose of your business.  If you have this organized properly it will help you out in all aspects of your search marketing including mobile results and organic search engine optimization

Business needs              

Ultimately, your website is a key tool to catch new business leads and gain sales. Companies including Mercedes commercial vehicles are upping the stakes when it comes to raising profile and awareness of their product offering. So even if you think that your automobile business should remain firmly on the forecourt, then think again. The way customers consume information is becoming increasingly digitalized, to meet with our hectic day-to-day lives. An old, out of date website will be letting you down, as any new or potential customers won’t be able to find the information they need to complete any potential purchases. So if you haven’t established a new website as a key business need for next year, then you might want to review your objectives.

Quality content

The key way to deliver your company’s messages or recent updates is through content. Whether you want to shout about a new launch or are using content to tell the online community about a recent expansion – then the content is the ideal way to do this. However, it isn’t as simple as uploading an article and forgetting about it. You will need to update your content to keep it fresh and relevant to your site and your site audience. Start by researching current industry trends, or check out what your competitors are posting if you need some inspiration. From blogs to the long-form content or even press releases, make sure that quality reigns over quantity. No potential customers are going to want to read a poorly written article or will be interested if you post six new blogs in a day. Keep a steady stream of content flowing, and the hits to your site will begin to increase.

Support it with social

Any company website needs to be supported by an effective digital strategy. Now you are producing and creating interesting content and information, then you need to make sure that you tell the entire world about it. Supporting your website with social media need not take too much effort. In fact, effective use of social media channels is the ideal way to boost visits and hits to your content. It could be as simple as promoting an article on LinkedIn or scheduling a Tweet, depending on your business needs. Making these small changes will see traffic increase on your site. If you are organized, you can schedule posts using tools such as HootSuite to ensure that any potential customers or current followers can keep informed and up to date with what’s happening across your business. Social media is also a great tool to broadcast any new product launches or services, in particular, if you are keen to stay ahead of your competitors. You could start by trialing Twitter and Facebook and to see if these meet your company’s needs. Once you have a few channels under control, and your followers are growing, now’s the time to start expanding and exploring other opportunities for your social coverage. Start things small, social media requires a lot of love and attention, so it’s best to make sure you have a watertight strategy in place before you make large-scale plans.

Video content

video on your website


Once you have created your social strategy and updated with your written content and blogs, now you can start

exploring other content creation and imagery options. Video content is taking the Internet by storm, as consumers can access information and view product reviews in two minutes or less, not to mention they can watch infomercials on their smartphones too. Video content needs to be supported by the right digital platform, so if your site is old and clunky, then it won’t be up to the job. Remember that consumers are incredibly impatient, so you don’t want to make your video content too long or complex. You want to provide just enough information to raise customers’ interest and entice them onto your website. Once they are on your site, if you have done all the above preparation, then you can expect the dollars to begin rolling in.

A poorly designed and outdated website will have a knock-on impact on your company’s sales. Remember that consumers use websites to research and review products, before deciding on whether to make a purchase. It’s up to you to get one step ahead and make sure that any users have an optimal experience when visiting your company site. If their online experience is positive, chances are they will be more likely to make a sale. So if your content is lacking and out of date or your business needs aren’t being met, then your website and digital presence are letting you down.

The post Why Improving Your Website Will Improve Your Sales appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

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