Wednesday, November 1, 2017

How to Avoid a Data Loss Disaster

How to Avoid a Data Loss Disaster

Data makes up a huge part of our day-to-day lives. From medical records to any articles or emails that you send at work, to personal information that’s stored about your bank account or even any orders you have made when shopping for food or clothes online – if you think about it, there is a lot of data in circulation about you and your business. So what happens when your media fails? What if your computer systems crash or phishing scams or hackers access your personal information? Have you considered what could happen if your data is lost, destroyed or gets into the wrong hands? It’s essential to be prepared for a data loss disaster, even if you think that you already have all the correct measures in place. Your private, key documents could be used against you if they get into the wrong hands, so make sure that you’re implementing the right measures to prevent this.


Storing and Saving Your Content

Are you keeping any data that you use safe and secure? Remember that any memory cards, SIM cards or internal hard drives can be easily accessed if the correct measures aren’t put into place. If you work in a busy office, consider educating your workforce on how they should be keeping copies of your data. First and foremost, what software or systems do you have in place to prevent data loss? Is your anti-virus software up to date and does it also protect you against malware? Keeping your data protected from online risks should be the first part of your plan against any potential data loss disaster.


Keeping Copies

Next, consider how you can keep copies of your data. From investing in cloud storage to making hard copies of any information on CD-ROMs or external hard drives, make sure that you take regular backups of your data on a weekly, or even daily, basis. Having copies of your data to hand will assist if you need to provide evidence during a lawsuit or criminal case. Companies such as Secure Data Recovery can assist when it comes to computer investigation, providing you with expert support and advice as any essential data is recovered and analyzed.

Be Prepared

If a large part of your business is conducted online then you’ll want to keep tabs on any potential new viruses or scams that could head your way. Make sure that you read up on potential new risks and check that your business could cope with this. Any business plans that you draw up must include a strategy to help protect your venture against potential data loss. Even if you’ve never suffered any issues, careful planning and preparation will be of benefit to your firm in the long run.

It’s essential to be prepared and organized if you want to avoid a data loss disaster. Just making a few key changes to both your hardware and software will ensure that your business is protected and prepared well into the future.

The post How to Avoid a Data Loss Disaster appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

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