Monday, February 20, 2017

5 Key Pieces of Hardware Every Startup Company Needs

When it comes to starting a business, there is one thing you can be sure of. Everything you do will almost certainly be dependent upon technology, which means that before you even think of opening your doors to business, you need to have all the tools (hardware) in place and operational. Whether you intend to do any business online or are simply going to communicate via the Internet, these are the bare minimum five key pieces of hardware every startup company needs.

Side view of an office space. White desks arrangement on a glass courtain wall background. Illustrates arrangement and furnishing of a modern office interior, comfortable business space and professionalism.

1. Desktop Workstations

Not only will you likely need a network mainframe, but you will need one or more desktop PCs that will serve as workstations. At first it may be sufficient to operate with the computers as they arrived from the factory, but as time goes on and business expands, you may require upgrades. This is often the case with memory, especially if you have one central computer that is the mainframe for the company.

You can always run diagnostics suggested by before upgrading the memory that came installed on your system. If you do a lot of teleconferencing, upgrading memory just might be essential at some point, so don’t fear if your system seems slow. Memory is usually the issue and it’s an easy fix.

2. Laptop Computers

If you have any workers in the field it will be essential to assign laptops to them so they can keep accurate records while out of the office and log onto the mainframe as needed. Whether working in the cloud or communicating directly to your office mainframe, laptops are a must.

3. Wireless Router

Few offices are hardwired to the internet anymore. Most companies now have only one hardwired computer with all other computers communicating through a wireless router or series of routers, depending on how large the premises are.

4. Printers

Today’s printers are as vital to your business as are your computers. Many printers communicate through a wireless router that also networks all your workstations. In fact, many businesses are now investing in 3-D printers if they are in an industry such construction that requires a visual display of proposed projects. Yes, 3-D printers are a bit expensive, but so much more effective than blueprints when trying to sell a project that needs to be visualised. Bear in mind that most people cannot read blueprints and a two-dimensional representation of your project won’t do it justice.

5. Scanners

While you may have a multi-function printer that also scans, today’s businesses also have credit card scanners that make digital copies of credit cards as necessary, often when out on the road. Not only do they communicate with the card issuer for an approval, but they also scan a digital copy for your records. Once you’ve scanned the card and saved it to file, there is little confusion as once was the case with illegible written card numbers. From office scanners to card scanners, this is one group of hardware that will make invoicing and payment so much easier.

These are the five key pieces of hardware that every startups company needs, at least initially. As time goes on you can add more sophisticated equipment, but with these five you should be able to get off to a nice start.  The last piece of the puzzle you’ll need is an SEO company to bring your business to the next level.


The post 5 Key Pieces of Hardware Every Startup Company Needs appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

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