Monday, January 9, 2017

4 Signs You Need to Change Your Website Hosting

With so many web hosting solutions available, you should never settle for a poor provider. Nowadays you can select your desired disk space and bandwidth. However, choosing the wrong host can cost you both visitors and money.

You may not realize it, but your web provider could be holding your business back. Here are four signs it might be time to change your web hosting provider.

Poor Load Speed

Do you know your website’s load speed? If not, you must identify if it is slowing down your company. Try to measure your site’s page speed, because this is one variable in Google’s search algorithm. It is up to you, the website owner, to provide your visitors with a superb user experience, and your host could, unfortunately, be letting you down. It, therefore pays to either upgrade to a Solid State Drive (SSD) hosting plan or swap to a Virtual Private Server (VPS), which could potentially increase your website’s page speed, improving the user experience.

Slow Performance During Peak Times

Is your ecommerce website on a shared server? If so, you could suffer a slow performance during peak periods or during seasonal holidays. The checkout area is reliant on RAM an CPU, which will be shared across all the websites on your server – so you must form an orderly queue for additional power. However, a poor performance can often lead to impatient customers who will leave items in the shopping cart and head elsewhere. Improve both your service and turnover by offering a more reliable service.

VPS hosting could therefore be the perfect alternative, as you can scale your RAM or CPU up or down as much as necessary. Smart Hosting can deliver a fully-managed service, which allows unlimited traffic and is SSD powered as standard.

A Bad IP Reputation

Do you know your IP’s reputation? If the server hosting your site also hosts malware or sends spam, the IP address could be blacklisted. Other hosting clients sharing your server could simply be running outdated software or unsecure applications, which could be due to a lack of knowledge on their part. Unfortunately, this could affect your ranking in the SERPs or decrease your email deliverability. However, a responsible host will have a range of tools to prevent their clients from becoming blacklisted, so do your homework when selecting a hosting provider.

Conflicting Software

It might be time to change hosting plans if you run software that cannot be supported on a shared hosting plan. It could be that your web server has chosen to use Apache over LiteSpeed. If you hope to use various software systems, it might be time to say goodbye to shared hosting to avoid slow performances.

It is essential to make an informed decision before you change or select a web hosting service. Think about the requirements of your website and, if your hosting is not up to scratch, opt for a new plan or a new provider.


The post 4 Signs You Need to Change Your Website Hosting appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

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