Monday, December 19, 2016

10 Indisputable Reasons to Learn Web Design

“Websites promote you 24/7: No employee will do that.” ― Paul Cookson

For me, learning web design was an outright life changing experience. I didn’t realize it at the time, but the hours of tutorials, coding, and debugging set me down a path that has altered nearly every aspect of my life. However, despite all that web design has to offer, you won’t find many people who think CSS is sexy, or who become flushed with excitement when they hear the letters ‘HTML’. This is simply because most people do not know the benefits that come from web design. To help combat this, I listed the ten most important reasons that leave you no excuse not to learn.

Dallas Website Design

  1. Web design teaches logic

When you break it down, web design is very simple. HTML defines the structure, CSS adds styles, and JavaScript provides functionality. The way that the three interact with each other is stepwise and logical. However, for someone brand new to programming, this kind of thinking is like learning a foreign language. As a novice web designer progresses, not only their code, but their entire thought process is altered and they begin to think more logically.

  1. Web design introduces you to the wider world of programming

Software affects nearly everything nowadays. From the phone in your pocket to the stoplights on the street, we rely on programming everywhere we go. When learning to program however, it seems like there are thousands of languages to learn, with more coming out each year. The good news is, there are underlying principles that govern nearly every language. This means that the logic and iterative thinking that is developed when learning web design can be utilized in any other branch of programming that you wish to explore.

  1. It can be done wherever, whenever

Have a bit of free time in between running errands? Want to get a few hours of work down at home? Have a groundbreaking idea at four in the morning? With web design, you are never confined to a cubicle or limited to office hours. With a computer and a keyboard, you can code from anywhere, anytime.

  1. It’s easy to learn

Despite their enormous implications, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS consistently rank among the easiest programming languages and markups to learn. This is because their syntax is quite a bit more forgiving and intuitive than other languages, which often require months of study. Furthermore, there is a tremendous web design community online that specialize in helping one another solve bugs and problems. Free tutorials, help, and tips can be found all over the web at places like Stack Overflow, Code Academy, and W3Schools.

  1. It’s free!

The era has long passed when one had to attend college to become a competent webmaster. Most Web Design careers have been launched using devices most people already own and use daily. All you need to start coding is some sort of computer, and motivation. Couple a desire for knowledge with free online information and tutorials, and you have all that is required to become a master of the trade.

  1. You can earn money freelancing

The market for websites has grown steadily since the nineties, with the need for good web designers accelerating. Building websites is an easy and reliable source of income that can provide extra money when you need it. And the fact that you can work wherever you want gives flexibility that simply does not exist in most other professions. Arguably the best part of freelance work is that you are your own boss. You get to set your own hours, take your own breaks, and solve problems in whatever way you deem appropriate. Taking on projects will also increase your confidence, and build your portfolio.

  1. Create websites for your own business or projectwebsite design in Dallas

Even if you don’t have plans to launch a lucrative web design and development business, almost every career field is affected by websites. Nowadays, even the smallest ma and pa shop has a website that is offered for the convenience of the consumers. However, launching a website can be a significant financial burden for an individual seeking to create a company. However, instead of paying someone else to do it, you can make your own. This gives the added benefit of allowing complete customization instead of being subject to the whim of the designer.

  1. Maintain your own websites

When it comes to owning a website, keeping the content accurate and up to date is key. This becomes hard to do when a web designer is called upon to fix every small detail on a website. I can testify from experience that a client who is even slightly competent in HTML can turn out to be a life saver. Instead of paying for routine website updates, from a dallas website design company and maintenance, you can do it yourself, saving both time and money for the organization.

  1. Immediate results

In many lines of work, the results of an individual’s hard work are sometimes not seen for months or even years. Furthermore, it is often hard to determine the actual impact of the results upon their intended audience. With web design, neither of these is a problem. Websites can be edited and changed in real time, with SEO with the characters typed in a code editor directly impacting the output on the screen. This provides a deep sense of satisfaction in knowing that you are creating something entirely your own. Also, tools such as Google Analytics can help web designers track and monitor the activity on their page, and act upon that feedback,

  1. It is fun!

Web design is an amazing outlet to showcase creative skills and ideas. The only limit to what can be on a web page is the creativity of the designer. Being able to code means that everything is subject to change and experimentation, which provides a medium by which designers can explore, change and define. Web design can also be expanded to include all types of skills, including graphic design, color palette selection, and typeface design.  And there’s nothing more enjoyable than being able to successfully complete and showcase project that you are proud of.


As you can see, web design is one of the fastest growing disciplines in the world, and for good reason. It can provide not only a career, but a means of expressing oneself, and changing one’s own thinking. Due to the ten reasons listed above, as well as numerous more, it’s safe to say that if everyone on Earth learned web design, the majority of people would be much better off.


The post 10 Indisputable Reasons to Learn Web Design appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

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