Thursday, October 4, 2018

Why Rewarding Your Followers Is a Great Marketing Strateg

The digital world is a fast-changing one, and as such, it requires an agile, flexible strategy to enable your brand to grow at maximum speed while still building long-term relationship. While there is no “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to strategizing, there are certain trends and long-standing traditions that, even when translated to the digital realm, retain their power for forging strong relationships.

Among them, incentivizing your followers with a wide array of methods is a tried and tested approach that cannot fail when used wisely and with your own brand values in mind. In order to apply this particular strategy well, you should first understand the underlying reasons that make it an appealing one for your customers, and pick the most appropriate way to incorporate it into your own marketing plan.

Incentives boost organic reach

Every brand needs more awareness and better visibility, and yet, we have long surpassed the era of blatant advertising on social media and annoying pop-ups that will scare even the most loyal of customers. Getting in front of as many eyes as possible is a dream-come-true of any brand, but the method of achieving this goal matters as much as the end result, because it will determine how your brand will be remembered.

This is where rewards step in to save the day. Even if you already have a pool of devoted customers, what would be the best way to inspire them to share your story and thus give you access to their own hundreds of friends and followers on social media and otherwise? Sending them a batch of your best cookies for their birthday, the latest branded notebook or whatever your service or product may be is an excellent way to make some noise. Rest assured, they will tell their friends, online and offline!


Freebies help build bonds

For brands that have numerous competitors out there, it’s increasingly important to stay among the top picks of their customers. Nowadays, it takes much more than meeting your clients’ expectations, but you are actually encouraged to exceed them, which is what giveaways and unexpected presents easily achieve.

Whether you wish to rekindle your bonds with a return customer, or you want to woo a new potential client, this Hong Kong prepaid card solution can help you make your brand significantly more appealing with the right rewards and loyalty schemes. Due to their personal nature, a happy customer that has just been given such a card will feel much more appreciated and valued, and hence inspired to come back as soon as the need arises. Consider it an investment into the future of your long-term relationships!

Rewards increase your value

People like to know that they have got their money’s worth no matter what the product or service in question may be. That is why more brands are striving to avoid stupendously pricey shipping fees as well as similar extra costs that may harm the total brand experience. When you go above and beyond to give your customers even more than they have anticipated, they will feel as if they have saved money.

This is especially relevant for pricier products and experiences, whether it’s buying a car, furniture, or a family holiday package. If you surprise them with, for instance, an extra night at a resort or a dinner at a fancy restaurant, they will instantly feel as if they have received more for less.

Gifts inspire genuine reviews

Whether they are mighty social media influencers with a hefty number of their own followers or your average customer with a relatively humble online presence, getting real, unbiased reviews is the modern-day equivalent of what an advertisement used to be. They are powerful in creating repeat customers and inspiring new ones to pop up, and they define your authority and reputation down the line.

Encourage your customers to leave a review with the right gift, such as a free annual subscription to their favorite magazine, tickets to an event, or even more importantly, your own latest product, and your standing will soar! If they have ordered a lipstick, send them another one in a different shade or a matching nail polish, and ask them to leave a review on your website and their social media – they will definitely feel inspired to do so.

Perks enhance engagement

The right freebies paired with a powerful hashtag, a contest or a cause can be a match made in heaven for skyrocketing your brand’s reputation. In addition to getting more traction, you’ll also create the perfect environment for a multitude of conversations to start – through likes, shares, tags, and comments.

The use of QR codes in public, links attached to posts, those check-in options, you name it, technology enables users to show off their connection to your brand. If you add a promo code, a freebie, or something similar to the mix, they will be all the more inspired to spread the word and get others to join the chatter.

The post Why Rewarding Your Followers Is a Great Marketing Strateg appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

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