Sunday, March 11, 2018

A Guide To Marketing on Twitter

Social media marketing is very big now and if you want to make a dent in your niche either as an influencer, brand or even just to sell goods and services there’s no way you can afford to ignore it. This is why Twitter marketing is important.

Twitter Marketing

Twitter is one of the social media channels you’ll have to consider in your marketing strategy as it has proven over time that it’s a great place to let people know about your brand. It’s also perfect for responding customer queries about your services or goods.

Here are a few more reasons why you would be crazy not to consider Twitter in your marketing:

  • It has over 300 million monthly users
  • Twitter users are actively engaged on the platform and send out approximately 6000 tweets in a second which adds up to an excess of half a billion tweets in just a single day!
  • Over 60% of social media managers tout Twitter as one of their top social media platforms, so you’re competition is already making a killing on Twitter even if you aren’t.
  • Twitter users are 300% more likely as Facebook users to follow your brand

Defining Your Twitter Objectives

Before you get started on marketing your brand on Twitter, you need to define you goals. What objectives are you trying to achieve and how can you go about that. Many businesses that market themselves on Twitter have the following objectives:

  • Create product awareness and build the brand
  • Increase customer loyalty
  • Reduce the cost of customer support
  • Increase the number of qualified leads and as well as sales

After defining your objectives it’s time for you to set goals you’ll need to work towards. You’ll also need to ensure that the goals you set for yourself can be measured as that’s how you’ll be able to evaluate your success. For instance, if your goal is to send qualified leads to your sales team every month, you should indicate in your goals a specific number of leads to send to them.

In order to measure any progress you’re making, you’ll need to benchmark your current performance as a team. Moving forward you’ll be able to compare your success.

How To Design An Effective Marketing Strategy for Twitter

What separates most brands that are marketing on Twitter is their marketing strategy. In fact, it is a make or break factor.

If you don’t document your strategy on Twitter, then chances are that you’ll end up wasting a lot of resources as you’ll be tweeting without a clear understanding of what exactly you need to do to achieve your goals.

Here are some things you need to do when doing your research and mapping out your strategy.

Competitive Analysis for Twitter

The main objective of researching your competition is so that you’re in a position to know their strengths and weaknesses.  Once you’ve done this you can integrate ideas that target their weaknesses into your strategy. For instance, let’s say your competitor is a brand that rarely ever responds to customer queries or even if they do, they don’t use hashtags and other identifiers that would be helpful to someone else with the same issue.

You could create a strategy that targets areas where they fall short; creating hashtags and regularly communicating with your followers on Twitter.

Take Charge of Your Presence on Twitter

“Too many cooks spoil the broth” or so the old adage goes. When the Vancouver Canucks, a hockey team, deleted all of the Twitter accounts associated with their website, they were able to increase their fan base by 800%.

So, if you have members of your team all tweeting from their own handles on behalf of your brand, you should have them stop immediately and tweet from your business’ official Twitter handle in a bid to reduce confusion for your customers as well as increase the number of followers.

Define Your Target Audience

When making your mark on Twitter, you don’t want to cast your net too wide. You need to know who your audience and create a strategy that’s tailored to that specific demographic. After all you want to send qualified leads back to your site.

Your main focus should be delivering real value to your target market. Over time this specific group of people will come to trust your brand.

Combine Your Content and Twitter Marketing Strategies

Some brands are very large and it’s quite common to find that the content and social marketing teams are working in isolation. If this is the case for your organization, you need to find a way to merge how the two teams work. This is because either of the teams might have insights on how to improve creatives.

For instance, the social media team could talk to the content creation team and ask them to provide a particular kind of content e.g DIY as followers on Twitter seem to like that kind of content more.

When teams work in separately there’s a big chance that many opportunities will be missed.

Come Up With Unique Twitter Strategies

If you’re a small business, you might find yourself tempted to replicate the same kind of content on all social media platforms where your brand has a presence. Unfortunately, this isn’t a good idea as each social media platform tends to have its own user base.

Endeavor to keep your Twitter strategy fresh.

Tools To Use For Twitter Marketing

If you want to manage your brand’s Twitter account at scale you’ll need to use the right tools. By using tools you ease the load on yourself as well as efficiently implementing your Twitter strategy.

Here’s a list of things you can use tools for:

  • Editing and adding images to your tweets
  • Discovering trending topics
  • Generating leads – basically you’ll be able to learn more about the people that are engaging with your brand, who they share your content with and the motivation behind their sharing
  • Scheduling your posts
  • Following and unfollowing accounts on Twitter.

Creating A Twitter Profile

Once you’ve achieved all the above, it’s time you created a great Twitter profile.

Twitter Bio

The first step in creating a great Twitter profile is fleshing out your bio. Due to the character limit you’ll need to spend time coming up with a relatable yet interesting bio. For great ideas of what to include in your Twitter Bio check out this page.

Optimizing Your Profile

Next, you’ll need to optimize your profile by populating your media gallery with eye-catching graphics. This makes your profile look more complete. Use the location field to let customers know where you’re located. In case you have multiple Twitter handles, for instance, a Twitter handle that is used by your brand for customer support, you’ll need to indicate that in your bio so that customers can get in touch quickly.

You can also use your bio to share your branded hashtag.

If you’ll be using your Twitter account to directly engage with your customers, you should tweak your settings and allow “anyone” to contact you via direct messaging.

You can also use your “LIKE” feed to share articles and other positive shout-outs on your brand.

If you’re having a hard time coming up with a marketing strategy on Twitter we can help.






The post A Guide To Marketing on Twitter appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

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