Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Benefits of Twitter Analytics Tools

Every serious marketer on Twitter worth their salt already uses some tool to help them promote their brand on Twitter.

There are a number of things you can achieve with such tools including:

  • Monitoring hashtags
  • Analyzing Tweet performance

Twitter analytical tools

If you’re new to marketing on Twitter, you’re probably already confused by the huge number of Twitter analytics tools already out there. You’re not alone. With each tool proselytizing its benefits, it’s easy to see why something as easy as picking an analytics tool can become a daunting task.

The one thing you need to know is that no analytics tool will ever offer you the help you need if you don’t even know what it is you’re looking for. Sure, you might have one or two objectives in mind, but there’s so much more you can do with Twitter analytics tools.

In this article I’m not going to confuse you even further by giving you a list of analytics tools you should check out though I might mention some. Instead, I’ll cover the various objectives Twitter analytics tools can help you achieve.

Here are some insights that every Twitter analytics tool should cover:

State of Your Audience Size

Basically, are you making any progress as far as growing the size of your audience is concerned. Obviously, you can easily tell whether you’re gaining new followers or losing them by simply looking at follower count on Twitter. However, you can’t tell if you’re losing as many followers as you’re gaining or even tell why there might have been a sudden spike/drop in the number of followers at a given time.

Twitter analytics tool are created to answer these questions in particular.

If you want to grow the size of your audience on Twitter, you need to examine the follower count more closely and not just as a vanity metric.

If you discover that your gaining the same number of followers as you’re losing, then you need to figure out why you have retention issues. It shows that people aren’t captivated enough to stay with you in the long haul and that’s a red flag!

Define Your Audience

Twitter will offers plenty of demographic data, that is,

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Geographic location
  • Psychographic data

So, what does this have to do with anything? Well, the better you know your audience, the easier and more effective it will be to communicate with them. You’ll be able to strategize ways you can package your message in a way that resonates better with the target audience.

For instance, you could use photos in tweets that are a reflection of your audience’s demographics.

Your Twitter analytics tools should be able to give you insights on your follower’s demographics.

What’s Bringing In Traffic

Many times marketers will use Twitter as a source of traffic for their website. However, rarely do we know what tweets drove the most traffic to our websites unless we’re using Twitter analytical tools. Certain tools like Sprout Social will allow you to track link clicks from specific tweets.

You can also use UTM tags to better track your tweets. A UTM tag is a simple line of code that you can append to a URL in order to track a campaign name, medium or source.

Once you have identified which tweets provide the most traffic, you’ll need to examine more closely. Specifically, you’ll need to take a look at:

  • Topic – What was the title of the content you shared? Was it a how-to guide, a trending topic etc?
  • Time – You need to ensure that you’re scheduling your tweets at hours of the day when they can have maximum exposure. People might not click on your content because they just don’t get to see it. Do some research on when is the best time for you to post on Twitter.
  • Copy – Take your time when crafting your tweets. What you say in your tweets can easily determine whether users will click on them or not.
  • Image – When analyzing image tweets that send heavy traffic to your site, you need to determine what the common theme is in all the images so that you can replicate that in future.

Is Your Twitter Strategy a Win?

The reason why anyone tweets is to connect with others. So, is your strategy achieving this goal?

After you’ve identified this goal, use your tool of choice to determine if you’re making any progress. Say for instance, the reason why you’re tweeting is to create awareness for your brand, you can use your tools to monitor your share of specific keywords or how many impressions you’re getting. On the other hand if you wanted to drive more traffic from Twitter to your website, you would track referral traffic.

Which Influencers Should You Target?

social media influencers




One of the most effective way to get a new brand in front of thousands is through influencer marketing. Usually though, when the word influencer is used it’s in reference to YouTube or Instagram, however, Twitter also has its share of influencers.

There are millions of tweets that are sent out every minute which means it’s hard to get your brand to get noticed. Even though influencers are not immune to how Twitter works, they do tend to have a much broader scope of influence.

You can partner up with an influencer in order for them to promote a campaign with you.

If you decide to use influencers to amplify your brand, there are a couple of steps that you’ll need to follow:

First, you’ll need to identify influencers to work with. Most Twitter analytics tools will allow you to see influencers with the widest reach in your niche.

Next, you’ll need to engage them in some way, if you haven’t interacted with them before, then you should probably start by following them and try tweeting at them till you’ve established some sort of familiarity.

Competitive Research

By carrying out some competitive analysis, you’ll be able to identify new opportunities that you can explore. By analyzing what successful competitors in your space are doing you can get insight on what you need to do in order to achieve similar results.

This doesn’t mean that you straight up copy everything they’re doing. The focus should be on trying to gain insight.

When doing the competitive research, you’ll need to take note of certain things such as:

  • Their frequency of tweeting
  • Days of the week when they publish tweets
  • The kind of content they share, for instance, links, images etc
  • Tweets that get the most engagement

Top Advocates

In addition to using Twitter analytic tools to find influencers, you can use them to find brand advocates. Brand advocates are similar to influencers in the sense that they’re willing to help promote your brand. But, that’s where the similarity ends, because unlike influencers, they promote your brand without seeking compensation.

In fact, in most cases, brand advocates are people who are already your customers. This is a good thing for a number of reasons:

  • They offer social proof since they are happy customers
  • Since they’ve already purchased your product or service, they already know your offer in and out which makes them the perfect people to explain your product to potential customers.



The post Benefits of Twitter Analytics Tools appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

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