Tuesday, May 10, 2016

5 Reasons Why Organic Visitor is still the best traffic

A lot of critics out there like to say that SEO is dead but, when you look at the data it’s still the best traffic your website can ask for.  There are countless reasons why organic traffic is the best but, in this blog we are going to point out 5 important one’s.  Reviewing many different sites across all different niches we find these to be the reasons

1.  Organic Traffic brings you the most targeted visitor

Our favorite reason why organic traffic is the best visitor to a website is because it brings you a very targeted user.

targeted organic traffic










There is no better feeling than to understand exactly how a web searcher got to your website.  As you can see, in the graph above, when you are optimizing for certain keywords Google Analytics  show’s you what people are typing to come to your website.  This is very important data to understand because, if you know what your users are typing into the search engine’s you can better tailor your offers to give the user what they are looking for.  Hand’s Down if you understand what people are typing into the search engines to find your website it is easier to engage your audience with the things they most want.  In this case, a search engine user know’s exactly what it looking for so, make sure you are delivering on the intention of the search.  If your doing so, the traffic will convert at a high level.  Which brings us to our next point

2.  Organic Traffic Converts at a the highest rates.

Who doesn’t love conversions?   After all isn’t this what we are putting up a website to do?  We work with all types of websites and it doesn’t matter what your website is trying to do we find that organic traffic converts at the highest percentages.  Whether it’s a lead generation website, informational or e-commerce the analytic’s don’t lie.  Organic traffic brings the highest conversion rates.  The reason why is still not definitive but, we can speculate as to what the real reason is to why it converts so well.  Mainly, I like to think that people don’t like to be sold.  Typically, the reasoning from not clicking on an advertisement is because, that is a result that Google isn’t giving us organically as the best result.   Instead, it is bought and paid for by some peddler who may not have the best quality.   It’s also, important that you create effective landing pages that convert traffic into leads as well.  The more enticing you can be with your offers to your visitors the more likely they will use your products/services.

organic seo traffic











Again, this is just speculation.  Whatever the reasons why the data doesn’t like.  Conversion rates on organic traffic deem higher results.  the CTR’s get a much higher percentage and turn into more leads and sales.  We believe it to be because, of the research that goes into the decision making of an organic visitor.  There is an uncanny co-relation between CTR’s and dwell time on a website.  Interesting enough we find that Organic visitor also spend the most time on your website.

3.  Organic visitors spend the most time on your website

Interestingly enough we also find that organic visitors spend the most time on your website.  In some cases, the time they spend on your website is astronomical.  We like to assess this success to benefits behind our #1 reason why organic visitors are the best traffic to your website.   The graph I’m about to pull up is going to answer reason #4 as well.  For this particular lead generation website we see that the average organic user was dwelling on the website for over 3 minutes the next closest user is at 2 minutes and the other’s either bounced, was a robot or didn’t find the content engaging enough/valuable enough to stay around on the website.  Nevertheless, on average we see that organic visitors tend to spend around 33% more time on a website than any other type of visitor

dwell time for organic visitors











4. Bounce Rates are much lower

Another reason why we love organic visitors is that they tend to be real traffic.  Meaning they don’t bounce.  When a visitor comes to your website and immediately leaves this is a “bounce”.   A lot of different types of traffic will increase your bounce rate.  The most common type of traffic is “Referral” traffic.  There are all types but, mainly it’s a robot scraping the web for information.  Nevertheless, for all the reasons mentioned above organic traffic bounce’s at a much lower rate.  This is good because, Google does factor in how users are behaving on your website and if they tend to come and leave real quick it will effect how you appear in the search engines.  Again, the organic visitor is a targeted visitor making it more qualified to search out more information on your website.

5.  A higher percentage of users click on organic listings than paid.

This trend is still true.  In the last graph you can see that over a segmented period of time a majority of the traffic came from organic listings.  There was a study done by Cornell University many years ago that showed PPC management or paid listings got about 25% of the users to click as compared to organic listings getting 75% but, most studies show that to be even higher now.  Some studies even show that organic listing get 94% of the clicks.  In all the graphs they will show that a majority of traffic comes from organic listings.

In conclusion, these are the reasons we find that organic traffic is still the best traffic you can get and if somebody is telling you that SEO is dead.  We beg to differ.




The post 5 Reasons Why Organic Visitor is still the best traffic appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

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