Sunday, December 2, 2018

AdWords Display Advertising 101

Adwords Display AdvertisingAs the internet’s biggest contextual advertising network, Google Display Network (GDN) consists of millions of websites and enables you to place your advert in many formats to a huge audience range globally. As you place your display ad, you also can use a vast array of targeting methods.

Why Should You Use AdWords Display Ads?

On top of covering over 90% of all internet users, Google display network helps you target your audience in a number of ways. This makes the network quite lucrative for all advertisers.

Types of Display Ads

While you might think that Google Display Network only allows you to display image ads, you can advertise in a variety of formats through the network. You can freely use different formats & sizes, static adverts, rich media, image ads, and video adverts.


  • Text Ads


You can run text ads on the Google Display Network, as is the case on Search Network. Text ads have a headline and to text, lines to allow you to have a range of ads to test and know the copy that generates the most clicks.


  • Video Ads


Since the display network was introduced on YouTube, video ads are becoming more and more popular. You can use AdWords to put ads near YouTube videos.


  • Rich Media Ads


These include animations, interactive elements, and other elements of change based on who is viewing your ad and how he or she interacts with it. This could even be a moving carousel of products.


  • Image Ads


If your ad does best in the form of an image, you can add it here. Google Display Network allows you to add custom imagery, colors, backgrounds and layouts on your image ads.

What is the Best Size for a Display Advert?

Within the Google display network, there are over 20 different sizes of ad blocks. Every website that signs up for carrying Google ads chooses the ad block which fits the layout of their website most. Hence, if you intend to have your ads showing on a number of websites regardless of ad block sizes, you then should have your display ads in different sizes. Create ads that fit different blocks provided by Google.  If you do not do so, your reach on the GDN will be limited. If you are lacking the resources for creating image ads, use the Display Ad Builder by Google, and ensure you include a clear branding message or a good call to action.

Targeting on Google Display Network

You can target your Google display network’s audience so as to narrow down your reach to people that will be more likely interested in the product or service you are advertising. You can achieve this through:


  • Contextual Targeting


This is a common type of targeting and uses keywords that are related to your products and services. You start by creating a list of keywords and leave Google to display those ads on websites that relate to your provided keywords. Other than creating search queries as is the case for a Search Network campaign, compose a list of 5 to 20 short phrases or words that have a close relationship with your Ad’s subject.

You also will have to be keen on the list of sites your ad appears on and ensure your keyword list is accordingly twerked. You can monitor this through a data analysis in AdWords’ placement tab.


  • Placement Targeting


Here, you have the option to chose the websites you intend to appear on. You thus will look for sites that are geared towards interests which closely match your target audience.  You thus are given the chance to advertise on the sites and forums you think are relevant to your business or industry or those sites whose visitors will most likely have an interest in your ad. AdWords Display Planner will enable you to find the site that carries GDN ads that are similar to websites you want your ads to appear on.


  • Topic Targeting


Here, you Select a list of page topics online that you intend your ads to appear.  The disadvantage of this targeting method is you cannot deeply drill into many topics and your ads could end up appearing in topics that are entirely unrelated. Again, some topics are too broad thus denying you the chance to target a specific audience.


  • Interest Targeting


Interest targeting helps you target the user and not the content of a page.  With this, the user could be looking at anything at the time your ad appears. How does this happen?

Google stores cookies on people’s computers when they visit pages within an advertising network. While Google does not save the information on the identity of these people and visitors cannot view data on a single level, someone who browses regularly on a certain category is added to Google’s list of people who seem “interested in the category.


Remarketing gives you and other advertisers a chance to deposit cookies on computers of people who visit your site. Thereafter, Google displays ads to those specific people any time they visit sites on the GDN.

Can you Combine Different Targeting Methods?

AdWords display targeting becomes more efficient when there is a combination of different targeting methods. If you apply two or more methods of targeting to your ad group though, your ads will display only to people matching both criteria. This means that the combination will decrease your ad’s potential impressions, but give you ad groups that are incredibly well targeted.

Tips for Optimizing Your Display Campaigns

  1. Review your automatic replacement reports regularly
  2. Add poor-performing or irrelevant sites on your automatic placement campaigns as poor placements
  3. If you have placements that are well performing, add them to your managed placement campaigns
  4. Exclude irrelevant audiences
  5. Exclude irrelevant categories
  6. Review your ad performance on the basis of your geographical region to exclude poorly performing areas
  7. To increase your reach, increase your budget
  8. Mobile apps might not be much beneficial since people click ads accidentally and get bask to game
  9. When targeting mobile devices, add click-to-call extensions

In conclusion,

It’s clear that Display advertising boosts most business’ paid performance. Just as it works for big businesses, display marketing helps small businesses boost their visibility in a big way. Search networks are quite costly more so on fields such as legal, customer services and employment. If your budget is low and has probably been priced out of search network, you may benefit much from display networks. You will gain even more from GDN if you have a bigger budget.

The post AdWords Display Advertising 101 appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Savvy Tips To SEO Link Building

Link building is a great fit for any business website. A good ecommerce development company with adequate knowledge of ecommerce development will encourage you to build links. Links are very important especially backlinks or inbound links. When we refer to a backlink we mean a reference from another web page to your own web page. This is very different from the “outbound” or outgoing links from your page. Do not confuse the two. A backlink is also called an inbound link (IBL) sometimes and these links are very important in determining the ranking of your website for search engines like Google. One of the major reasons is because links, especially off page links, increase your SEO ranking. This is due to the fact that you can influence what happens on your website but you can’t influence what appears on another web operator’s website. In this regard, your content is deemed top notch if it is featured on a website other than your own. The importance of link building has caused a number of web operators to engage in dark web SEO strategies.

With the aid of this article, you will be able to build solid links without having to do anything unethical. It is worthy to note however that it is not just about having other websites direct people to your website. Strong link building involves having your content appear on top websites or that websites of top brands, firms or organization. This article will provide you with savvy tips SEO link building.

Develop worthy content

This has always been and will continue to be the bone of link building. Every good link is built on good content. Nobody wants to be associated with anything that’s not up to mark and web operators are no different. There is no link building campaign you’ll start today that will be fruitful when your content is not up to mark. With a good content, you can have your content appear on websites other than your own without even having to pay for it. More of this will be explained in the next point.

Guest post or guest blogging

This is also another good way to build good links for your website. You can promote your content on another website or allow another website operator to use your content to engage his own web visitors as long as there will be a backlink to your website for individuals interested in the source of the content. Some web operators and bloggers also engage in reciprocal backlinking. This is not the best as excessive reciprocal backlinking does not prove that you have something valuable to offer. It will instead portray you as a desperate individual.

Social media engagement

This is one cheap and effective means of building link. Instead of breaking your head on how to feature your content on another web operator’s website, you can link them to your social media accounts. This method will also help increase the amount of traffic to your website alongside promoting your content. You can even get someone willing to publish your content on their website.

Replace broken links

Broken links are bad because they disrupt the user experience. Users don’t like them. Search engines don’t like them either.  When you discover a broken link, you can inform the web operator about the broken link while suggesting some other links similar to the broken one to the web operator. The link you are suggesting should be your link. You can also take things to the next level by using tools like Ahrefs Site Explorer to find other websites linking to the page that was broken. You can then reach out to all of these websites, thereby increasing your prospects of getting a link.

The difference between building a good link and abusing link building is not always clear. It is easy to be losing sight of it especially when you begin to overdo it. Instead of taking it to the head, start from what you can manage. Start with developing a good content, working with your social media accounts and use of guest post. It is very important to ensure that your links are functional. You don’t want to replace a broken link with another broken one.

The post Savvy Tips To SEO Link Building appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Why Rewarding Your Followers Is a Great Marketing Strateg

The digital world is a fast-changing one, and as such, it requires an agile, flexible strategy to enable your brand to grow at maximum speed while still building long-term relationship. While there is no “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to strategizing, there are certain trends and long-standing traditions that, even when translated to the digital realm, retain their power for forging strong relationships.

Among them, incentivizing your followers with a wide array of methods is a tried and tested approach that cannot fail when used wisely and with your own brand values in mind. In order to apply this particular strategy well, you should first understand the underlying reasons that make it an appealing one for your customers, and pick the most appropriate way to incorporate it into your own marketing plan.

Incentives boost organic reach

Every brand needs more awareness and better visibility, and yet, we have long surpassed the era of blatant advertising on social media and annoying pop-ups that will scare even the most loyal of customers. Getting in front of as many eyes as possible is a dream-come-true of any brand, but the method of achieving this goal matters as much as the end result, because it will determine how your brand will be remembered.

This is where rewards step in to save the day. Even if you already have a pool of devoted customers, what would be the best way to inspire them to share your story and thus give you access to their own hundreds of friends and followers on social media and otherwise? Sending them a batch of your best cookies for their birthday, the latest branded notebook or whatever your service or product may be is an excellent way to make some noise. Rest assured, they will tell their friends, online and offline!


Freebies help build bonds

For brands that have numerous competitors out there, it’s increasingly important to stay among the top picks of their customers. Nowadays, it takes much more than meeting your clients’ expectations, but you are actually encouraged to exceed them, which is what giveaways and unexpected presents easily achieve.

Whether you wish to rekindle your bonds with a return customer, or you want to woo a new potential client, this Hong Kong prepaid card solution can help you make your brand significantly more appealing with the right rewards and loyalty schemes. Due to their personal nature, a happy customer that has just been given such a card will feel much more appreciated and valued, and hence inspired to come back as soon as the need arises. Consider it an investment into the future of your long-term relationships!

Rewards increase your value

People like to know that they have got their money’s worth no matter what the product or service in question may be. That is why more brands are striving to avoid stupendously pricey shipping fees as well as similar extra costs that may harm the total brand experience. When you go above and beyond to give your customers even more than they have anticipated, they will feel as if they have saved money.

This is especially relevant for pricier products and experiences, whether it’s buying a car, furniture, or a family holiday package. If you surprise them with, for instance, an extra night at a resort or a dinner at a fancy restaurant, they will instantly feel as if they have received more for less.

Gifts inspire genuine reviews

Whether they are mighty social media influencers with a hefty number of their own followers or your average customer with a relatively humble online presence, getting real, unbiased reviews is the modern-day equivalent of what an advertisement used to be. They are powerful in creating repeat customers and inspiring new ones to pop up, and they define your authority and reputation down the line.

Encourage your customers to leave a review with the right gift, such as a free annual subscription to their favorite magazine, tickets to an event, or even more importantly, your own latest product, and your standing will soar! If they have ordered a lipstick, send them another one in a different shade or a matching nail polish, and ask them to leave a review on your website and their social media – they will definitely feel inspired to do so.

Perks enhance engagement

The right freebies paired with a powerful hashtag, a contest or a cause can be a match made in heaven for skyrocketing your brand’s reputation. In addition to getting more traction, you’ll also create the perfect environment for a multitude of conversations to start – through likes, shares, tags, and comments.

The use of QR codes in public, links attached to posts, those check-in options, you name it, technology enables users to show off their connection to your brand. If you add a promo code, a freebie, or something similar to the mix, they will be all the more inspired to spread the word and get others to join the chatter.

The post Why Rewarding Your Followers Is a Great Marketing Strateg appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

Monday, October 1, 2018

How to Engage Your Healthcare Business’s Physicians

With staff that do not feel captivated by the work they do, no matter what industry it is, your business is always going to struggle to provide a service that is both what your customers expect and enough to bring them back to you in the future. When it comes to the industry of healthcare, this fact carries even more significance. Quite simply, if the physicians that you employ do not offer quality patient care to their patients, who are your customers, then they will seek other medical treatment the next time they need it.

So, get engaging your physicians and get them to provide the assistance your customers expect and want. To see how to set about doing so, check out the advice below.

Work towards a shared goal of helping your patients

Establishing and then working towards a shared goal with your physicians is a quintessential component in building an engaged relationship with them. Specifically, as they are professionals who are very much goal driven, that goal ultimately being to protect, improve and save lives, they need to know that you share that same common purpose if they are going to feel inspired enough to work for your cause. What this means is that you shouldn’t allow yourself to get too caught up with the business end of your venture (especially not when your physicians are around), and to instead focus your efforts on improving the likelihood of each patient that comes to you leaving with a cleaner bill of health.

Offer incentives

Seeing their patients improve in regards to their health and wellness isn’t the only thing that is going to get your physicians engaged and on your side, however. Just like any other worker in the world, they also want some incentives to do their job, so you need to be implementing a Physician Incentive Plan in your workplace. A typical PIP will see your physicians awarded with financial bonuses in four areas: processes, outcomes, patient experience, and structure — when all of these areas are covered in as thorough a fashion as possible, with such an incentive in place, you, your physicians and even your patients will benefit.

Provide on-going education

Providing on-going education to your physicians, no matter how previously educated they may be, will show to them that you are serious about providing the absolute best medical attention to your patients, and that’ll only ever rouse them to work for you and your cause. The learning that you offer doesn’t even have to be at all about medicine, either, as your physicians will appreciate and benefit from training that develops them as leaders, both in their field and in life in general.

Your healthcare business is nothing without the physicians that work for it, so you need to be doing all you can to keep them engaged with their job them at all times. If you don’t, you make your business liable to offer less-than-satisfactory medical assistance, and that’ll only ever drive customers away from you.

The post How to Engage Your Healthcare Business’s Physicians appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

Friday, September 28, 2018

How Economics Can Help Improve Marketing Efforts

If you happen to be a marketer or have to wear that hat from time to time, you may be looking for ways to update your skills. The marketing world is subject to change quickly, and so to improve your skills, you have to be quick.

One of the ways that you can improve your marketing efforts is by learning economics. You may be wondering how economics can help with marketing, but the reality is that it can do so in several ways. If you’re curious about discovering how economics can help improve your efforts as a marketer, you’re going to find out in the following article.

Give You Skills to Analyze Big data

One of the first ways that economics can help improve your marketing efforts is by equipping you with the skills you need to analyze big data. Every marketer knows how crucial data is in carrying out marketing objectives and meeting organizational goals. Data can often be used as a way of getting insights into your market as well as helping design forecasts. For this reason, you should think about getting an economics degree as a way of getting in-depth knowledge that can be applied to your marketing. If you don’t have the time to attend a program physically, you could try getting a Boston College applied economics degree online for flexible learning.

Teaches You How to Strategize

In addition to helping you learn to analyze big data, economics is also useful in marketing as it can teach you how to strategize. This is a key skill needed when developing marketing plans as well as methods you’re going to use to meet your objectives. Marketing strategies are important as they help you develop creative approaches to both sales and customer service. By learning economics, you’re likely to discover how you can design marketing campaigns.

Understand Consumer Behavior

Another way that economics can help improve your marketing efforts is by helping you to understand consumer behavior. Seeing as consumer insights are an important element in creating marketing strategies, this is a skill that you should definitely have. Consumer insights can also help with SEO as well as help you create content that will meet the needs of your target audience. This is critical for your marketing efforts as a failure to do so could mean wasting money as well as time marketing to the wrong audience. However, by learning about economics, you’ll be able to master the tools and methods needed to understand their behavior whether it be buying habits or how they interact online.

Economics is fundamental in just about every industry whether you notice it or not. For this reason, you should be open to learning the fundamentals even if your life’s goal isn’t to become an economist. The reality is that there’s so much that you can learn to make your marketing efforts a lot more effective. Hopefully, after reading the above article, you have a lot more interest in learning economics.

The post How Economics Can Help Improve Marketing Efforts appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

Friday, September 14, 2018

The Technologies That Are Changing Businesses in 2018

In order to stay in the race for custom, let alone at the front of the competitors, businesses need to be embracing the very latest pieces of technology. If they don’t, their rivals will, and that’ll only ever result in a loss of profit in the long run.  If you own a business, then make sure you’re doing all you can to finance and incorporate 2018’s best technologies, such as those found below.


Automated technology, such as the Internet of Things, is changing the way many businesses in many different fields are going about their work. It is doing so because it is inducing connectivity, clear communication and quick response times. It is able to achieve this through the way it connects physical appliances with digital machines and devices, incorporating them all into a vast network in which information is transmitted freely. Quite simply, today, without automation or the IoT in the world of business, many industries would find themselves going backward due to the fact that not even half the amount of work that is currently produced would stand a chance of being constructed.

Even in a field that is as old as the world of work itself, manufacturing, processes are becoming automated. If you wanted to know more about the specific impact that the Internet of Things is having on manufacturing, then head to the IoT Solutions World Congress and pay close attention to the industry track, in which you will get the chance to listen to industry experts discussing manufacturing Internet of Things.


Something that has the potential to be transformative across all business fields is Blockchain, thanks mainly in part to the fact that blockchain increases transaction visibility. When implemented correctly, what such technology will do is help to forge strong relationships between businesses and their customers, the likes of which there have never really been, as the latter will be able to see their transactions stored and recorded at all times. It is that kind of trust that will keep customers coming back to businesses time after time.


Artificial intelligence is impacting the world of business because, through automation, machine learning, and computer vision, enterprises now have the opportunity to produce goods on a scale and at a timeframe like they’ve never been able to before. This update is most certainly needed given the way consumers are clambering for their produce in this day and age.

The area of business that is set to have the biggest AI impact is SEO. Known simply as AI SEO, this is going to take the world of search rankings by storm due to the way it’ll allow for the gathering of data on ad targeting, and because it will be able to determine the relevancy of all pieces of content with ease. So, if you own a business, make sure you’re embracing this type of machine learning. By doing so, your rankings will be boosted no end.

The technologies found above could take your business right to the top of its market. So, what are you waiting for? Start embracing them!

The post The Technologies That Are Changing Businesses in 2018 appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Instagram Marketing Tips That Give You Results

It might have started out as just another social media app to add to your phone but Instagram has grown so popular with the masses so much so that it is now ranked with other top players such as Facebook while offering serious competition to others such as SnapChat.

Social media marketing

Apart from the millions of personal accounts that Instagram boasts of, it has over 8 million accounts registered to businesses. The existence of these business accounts means that Instagram has evolved into a social media marketing behemoth, having evolved from a simple app mostly used for sharing pictures and short videos among friends.

It is estimated that over 80 million images are uploaded to Instagram on a daily basis by its very active user base. This user base is perfect for businesses that are looking to maintain their current clients as well as reaching out to new ones.

Worth noting is that a majority of Instagram users; about 60% fall into the 18 -19 age bracket. For businesses that are attempting to build a viable audience, this is a very valuable demographic. This makes Instagram a very competitive platform given the ephemeral and veneer tastes of this young generation.

However, if your brand has a firm identity and a well thought out marketing strategy, your business will easily get amplified on Instagram.

This article will delve into a number of Instagram marketing tips that will go a long way in helping you achieve astounding results.

Use an Instagram Business Profile

The first thing you need to do before engaging in any marketing activities on Instagram is to create an Instagram Business Account for your brand. Some of the benefits of creating a business profile for Instagram marketing include:

  • Your brand’s followers can easily get in touch with you by clicking on the ‘Contact’ button, in addition to clicking through to your website.
  • Enjoy unrestricted access to Instagram analytic tools, that is, Insights. Using Insights, you are able to access data such as the number of impressions your stats have as well as the reach for your content
  • Easily create and publish ads on Instagram without having to rely on Facebook’s ad tools.
  • By using a business account you will be increasing your chances of your brand posts appearing on your follower feeds

Take Advantage of Sponsored Ads

Findings released by eMarketer revealed that the number of businesses advertising on Instagram was on a steady increase and that that number would surpass the number of businesses advertising on Twitter in the year 2017.

This goes to prove that Instagram marketing will soon be a staple for any business that takes itself seriously. In reaching out to your audience, you should always try do so in a cost-efficient manner.

Instagram Marketing sponsored posts

Just in case you’re still on the fence about marketing your products or services on Instagram, remember that Instagram has a user base of over 700 million. If that fact alone is not convincing, you might want to consider the following facts especially you use Facebook to promote your brand:

  • Since Facebook and Instagram share the same advertising platform, you can use experience gained from advertising on Facebook to target your audience on Instagram.
  • You can manage the entire ad creation process in the Facebook ad manager including budgeting. This means you do not have to spend your time teaching yourself how to familiarize yourself with a different ad platform
  • Due to the fact that Instagram ads are designed to be non-intrusive yet engaging, you are able to get a good conversion rate yet at a reduced cost
  • When advertising on Instagram, you have the freedom to choose both videos and images to promote your product
  • Instagram ads though non-intrusive are hard to miss especially when using the Instagram app on your phone this further improves their click-through rate
  • You are able to create split tests within the advertising platform hence increasing your chances of getting a better return on investment

Joining Forces With Influencers

One of the most effective ways of promoting your brand on Instagram, is by reaching out to individuals who have a considerable following. This is an easy way to actually reach a particular audience. By collaborating with an influencer, you will be able to get your brand in front of your ideal audience very quickly.

This method of promoting your brands is effective because more and more people purchase products and services based on the content of their feed.

Influencers leverage on the trust they have built with their followers to push products and services to them. Their followers are more likely to accept their recommendations and make a purchase compared to when they come across a random ad.

When choosing an influencer, you will need to choose one that has a very targeted audience in your industry.

If you choose to partner with an influencer you should not focus on short-term gains but instead come up with ways you can build a strong awareness for your brand all the while targeting an audience that is likely to buy from you.

Promote on Other Social Media Networks

One of the most effective ways of broadening your reach, is by promoting your Instagram account on other social media platforms. Assuming you already have a significant following on other social media networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc, you can let them know of your presence on Instagram and invite them to follow you.

This way you will be able to create more exposure for your Instagram content. In addition, you will be reducing the cost of creating new content as well as enhancing your brand image.

Various business have different goals, so how you cross-promote will depend on a number of factors. Below are some ideas on how you can cross-promote:

  • Publish your Instagram’s video content on LinkedIn or on Facebook and drive traffic back
  • Use automation software such as HootSuite to post your Instagram content on other social media networks
  • Use your accounts on different social media networks to promote Instagram contests that are designed to increase your follower count

Track The Numbers

If you want to know areas you need to focus on in your Instagram marketing efforts, you should start with understanding how your current marketing strategies are performing. When you have insight you are able to focus on the areas that need your attention not to mention you become more efficient.

In order to make huge gains you will need to track the right metrics. Some of the metrics you will need to keep track of include:

Follower Growth Rate

Having a huge and strong following can blind you from the fact that you are no longer acquiring a new audience. You can easily understand what is causing this stagnation by keeping an eye on the type of content you post as well as how frequently you post it. By playing around with these two factors, you can try and see if you’re able to onboard new followers.

Engagement Rate

By measuring how many likes and comments your posts receive, you will have a better idea of what you need to tweak in order to increase the rate of engagement. You need to pay keen attention to the percentage of engagement for both your post as well as the total number of followers.

URL Clickthrough Rate

Instagram click through rate

Unfortunately, Instagram can only track the link that is featured on your Instagram bio. However, by keeping track of how many people click through to your website is crucial. By monitoring the above metrics as well as other data such as hashtag interaction as well as the growth of hashtags, you will be able to market your business more effectively on Instagram.

Strategic Use of Hashtags

If you have dabbled in social marketing before, you know what a critical role hashtags play in promoting a brand. The key to experiencing success with hashtags is to use them strategically. By doing so you will be able to enhance your reach and enable people to connect with your brand.

Two main types of Instagram hashtags that you should focus on include:

Campaign or Brand Specific Hashtags

These types of hashtags are created with the sole purpose of promoting their business on Instagram. A brand hashtag usually features your company name or slogan while a campaign hashtag features the name of the campaign you’re running.

Either way you need to ensure that no matter what type of hashtag you use it has the following characteristics:

  • Easy to remember
  • Catchy
  • Unique

Content Hashtags

This refers to hashtags that are placed within your content. Even though they are not as popular as brand and campaign hashtags, they are used to help your target audience find your content. Even though these hashtags come across as simple they are essential if you want people to find your content easily.

Take care not to overuse them though.

Create An Effective Business Bio

When your create a strong business bio, you are more likely to get noticed faster. When creating your bio make sure you mention what business your brand is involved in as well as the type of personality it has.

Your business bio should feature the following:

Profile photo that is relevant to your company or brand

Business name or username – Whatever you choose to use to identify yourself on Instagram will be used to search for your business account

Bio – Spend some time writing a great bio. As of now your bio should include 150 characters, so keep it concise.

Website link – Ensure that you put a relevant link that you would like to promote on Instagram, a link to your homepage will do.

Call-to-action button – An Instagram business account allows you to insert call to action links such as email, call etc

Strong Content Strategy

Before you embark on your Instagram marketing efforts, you need to ensure that you have a firm strategy in place. Having a strong strategy in place before you start your marketing efforts will ensure that you have direction.

Understanding the intent of your marketing efforts is critical to crafting the right content strategy. Let us say for instance, you want to grow your brand’s awareness. You should create content that talks about your brand; products and services you offer. You can create videos or share behind-the-scenes images that highlight the company culture.

Depending on what you want to achieve, you can even have user-generated content published on your Instagram page.

Creating Content In Advance

Most businesses struggle with posting content on a regular basis on their Instagram account. However, there’s no escaping the fact that if you want to see good results, consistently posting on Instagram is key. One way to deal with this challenge is by creating your content at least one month before it is due.

If you choose to create your content beforehand, there are a couple of things that you need to keep in mind:


                Before creating your content a month before publishing date, you need to anticipate events that will take place in the coming months and integrate that into your content. This way, your content will always resonate with your target audience.

Make Edits

                Always edit your images and videos beforehand. This way you won’t make a last-minute rush   trying to edit your content as you are likely to make plenty of mistakes.


                You can easily schedule out your Instagram posts using one of the many scheduling tools that    are easily available. This will definitely save you time that could be used to focus on other                aspects of Instagram marketing.

Leverage Instagram Into A Sales Funnel

You should take advantage of your presence on Instagram and start pitching to prospective customers. Unlike selling on other social media platforms, there are a couple of differences. For example, if you’re promoting your post with as a paid post, you won’t be able to include a link.

In order to make any meaningful sales on Instagram, you will need to focus your efforts on building a strong brand image.

You can achieve this by:

  • Regularly interacting on your feed
  • Post photos that promote something else other than your product, for instance, your company’s ideologies and beliefs
  • Ensure that a majority of the photos on your Instagram feature people
  • Showcase regular people using your products

If you would like to learn more about marketing on Instagram, please feel free to get in touch.


The post Instagram Marketing Tips That Give You Results appeared first on The Texas SEO Company.